A CalEEMod User's Guide has been prepared to:
1) assist the user with downloading, installing, and operating the model; and,
2) provide supporting documentation regarding the functionality, calculation methodology and default assumptions incorporated into the model.
The following files comprise the User’s Guide for CalEEMod version 2016.3.2.
User’s Guide and Appendices
This template with dropdown menus has been provided to assist the user in importing Comma Separated Value (.csv) data and defaults into CalEEMod. The spreadsheet can be imported wholly into CalEEMod using the Open Project function or each tab saved as .csv file to be imported under corresponding CalEEMod screen - e.g., Land Use tab imported into the Land Use screen. Please note that when using the template to import data into CalEEMod, the dropdown menus are provided for 100 rows. Deleting any unused rows before importing will prevent the program from reading blank rows and operating slower. The spreadsheet can be imported wholly into the model under "Open Project." Alternatively, each tab saved as a "csv" file can be imported under the corresponding screen page - e.g., Land Use tab imported into the Land Use screen.