Events - 2011

Statewide CalEEMod training classes have taken place on the following days and locations (click date for detailed information).  An example project was run through CalEEMod during the training session.  An input file (in Excel) had been provided to allow attendees to simultaneously run the example project. In addition, the annual and summer output files were also provided below.  Finally, below the list of training sessions are the CAPCOA presentation and handouts, as well as two graphics that visually describe the example project and how CalEEMod operates.

Previous Statewide Trainings:

Each training included the following material:

The first training class on the functionality of the new CalEEMod 2011.1 took place on Thursday, February 17, 2011 at the SCAQMD Headquarters.  For those who want to view that training class, the recorded webcast is available at the following link:

The following documents were provided to assist the training participant.  Those viewing the archive webcast are encouraged to save the example project files on the computer that contains CalEEMod and follow the training:

Copyright © 2017 California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA)
Developed by BREEZE Software, A Division of Trinity Consultants in collaboration with the South Coast Air Quality Management District and the California Air Districts