Free, or Deep Discounts on, Fireplace/Wood Stove Upgrades
The program offers deep discounts and, for low income qualified, may be free to some. See the FAQ below more details. In the process of reducing emissions from wood burning devices, South Coast AQMD is offering an incentive for residents, renters (with landlord approval), or landlords of a rental property in the areas surrounding cities of Riverside and San Bernardino or the community of Boyle Heights to replace their wood burning device. If you are a resident of one of these areas you may be eligible to receive funds for an installation of a cleaner burning alternative.
Why make the switch?
This area does not meet federal health standards for fine particulate matter. Wood smoke can be a significant source of fine particulate matter pollution, it also contains toxic air contaminants. Health studies link fine particulate matter to serious health problems including decreased lung function, aggravated asthma, irregular heartbeat and premature death. Vulnerable groups include people with existing heart and lung disease, the young and the elderly.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
English (PDF, 120kb) Espanõl (PDF, 122kb)
Guidelines and Summary
English (PDF, 977kb) Espanõl (PDF, 452kb)
Voucher Application
English (PDF, 150kb) Espanõl (PDF, 152kb)
Participating Retailers
English (PDF, 17kb) Espanõl (PDF, 17kb)
For retailers only
Important Information on Burning Wood (PDF, 1.1MB)

For more information contact us by phone, fax, or email:
Telephone: 909-396-3833
Fax: 909-396-3811