Public Records Notice
In response to COVID-19, the South Coast AQMD Headquarters is closed to the public and staff is teleworking to the extent feasible. As a result, our response time for public records act requests may be delayed. We appreciate your patience.
Much public information about South Coast AQMD-regulated facilities can be accessed online through a web tool called FIND - Facility INformation Detail. You may want to begin your search with FIND or try the Public Document Search that provides access to a variety of South Coast AQMD documents including permits to operate, Hearing Board documents, notices of violation (NOVs), Best Available Control Technology (BACT) documents, permit public notices, engineering policy memos, comments received on the AQMP and its attendant Socio-Economic Analysis, Rule 1148.2 reports, and South Coast AQMD documents and reports from our on-site Library.
To make a Public Records Act request, please fill in the on-line request form with your information, a description of the public records sought, a time period for the records, and the facility information, if applicable. Incomplete forms may delay the processing of a request. You will receive a confirmation email when you submit this form. If you do not receive a confirmation within 24 hours (check your SPAM folder also), please contact the Public Records Department at 909-396-3700. Remember, a record must be already existing, identifiable, and not subject to an exemption from disclosure pursuant to Gov. Code, § 7922.000 (formerly Gov. Code, § 6255). South Coast AQMD will acknowledge having received your public records request within ten (10) days of receipt. For further information, please review the Guidelines For Implementing the California Public Records Act (PDF).
For further information, contact Public Records at 909-396-3700.
Certain documents may only be available directly from the Public Information Center, Hearing Board, and the South Coast AQMD Library. All Hearing Board case files are open to the public. Please direct your request accordingly.