As part of the services provided to CPPs, SCAQMD has set up a Data Access System to enable CPPs to connect to SCAQMD's computer system for direct access to facility data and information for whom they are preparing applications.
CPPs will be allowed access to the facility data ONLY if that facility has granted written authorization. The written request for data access should be on a facility’s letterhead and signed by the facility's authorized representative. Each granted access is valid for 1 year. The request letter may be scanned and emailed to or mailed to:
South Coast Air Quality Management District
21865 Copley Dr., Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Attention: CPP Program
The login procedure for the Data Access System has changed. You will initially be required to create a user ID and register, and a password will be e-mailed to you. For complete instructions, please refer to the Data Access System Manual (PDF, 838kb).