
Community Notifications

Refinery Flares (Rule 1118)

E-mail Notifications
Flare event notifications reported to South Coast AQMD by petroleum refineries, sulfur recovery plants, and hydrogen production plants subject to Rule 1118 can be received by the public via email. Sign up to receive e-mail notification updates for any of the regulated facilities.  

Flare Map
The flare event information at these facilities can also be accessed through the Flare Map. A video tutorial (embedded on the left) has been created to assist in navigating the public portal and locating flare event information. The Flare Map displays an icon for each facility subject to Rule 1118. The icons will either be grey, indicating no flare event is occurring, yellow, indicating a flare event with less vent gas flow (greater than 100,000 standard cubic feet) is occurring, or orange, indicating a flare event with more vent gas flow (greater than 500,000 standard cubic feet or greater than 100 pounds volatile organic compounds or 500 pounds of sulfur dioxide) is occurring. More detailed flare event information can be displayed by clicking each icon on the map. In the event that the South Coast AQMD has further information on a flare event, the red icon will appear with a link to an incident update.

Community members are encouraged to:

  • Call the appropriate flare hotline telephone numbers for information about flares or flare events at these facilities; and

  • Report smoke or odor complaints associated with flares (or any other air quality problems) to South Coast AQMD by calling 1-800-CUT-SMOG.

A video tutorial (embedded on the left) has been created to assist in navigating the public portal and locating flaring event information.

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South Coast Air Quality Management District

21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765



© 2024 South Coast Air Quality Management District