
Rule 403 Dust Control Information

Fugitive dust is particulate matter that is suspended in the air by direct or indirect human activities. Two South Coast AQMD rules were adopted with the purpose of reducing the amount of fugitive dust entrained as a result of human activities.  Rule 403 applies to any activity capable of generating fugitive dust.  Rule 403.1 is supplemental to Rule 403 and applies only to fugitive dust sources in Coachella Valley.  Rule 403.2 is another supplemental rule to Rule 403 designed to mitigate dust from large roadway projects close to sensitive receptors throughout South Coast AQMD.



The following applies to projects not located in the Coachella Valley.  For projects in the Coachella Valley, please see the Coachella Valley Fugitive Dust Control Plan section.

Rule 403 requires the implementation of best available dust control measures (BACM) during active operations capable of generating fugitive dust. This rule also requires activities defined as “large operations” to notify the South Coast AQMD by submitting specific forms.  A large operation is defined as any active operation on property containing 50 or more acres of disturbed surface area; or any earth moving operation with a daily earth-moving or throughput volume of 3,850 cubic meters (5,000 cubic yards), three times during the most recent 365 day period. 

Large Operations must submit the following forms: 

  • Form 403N (Large Operation Notification)- must be submitted within 7 days of qualifying as a large operation.  Include a site location map. Once approved by South Coast AQMD, the notification is valid for one year.  Alternatively, you may submit a site specific Dust Plan with the associated fee.           

  • Form 403NC (Statement of No Change)- must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the Large Operation Notification.  The submittal of this form will represent resubmittal of a large operation notification if conditions will not change for the upcoming year.

  • Form 403C (Notice of Completion)- must be submitted within 30 days of no longer qualifying as a large operation.

Submit all forms to:


Rule 403.1 is a supplemental rule to Rule 403 and is applicable to man-made sources of fugitive dust in Coachella Valley.  The purpose of this rule is to reduce fugitive dust and resulting PM10 emissions from man-made sources in the Coachella Valley.  Rule 403.1 requires a Fugitive Dust Control Plan approved by South Coast AQMD or an authorized local government agency prior to initiating any construction/ earth-moving activity.  These requirements are only applicable to construction projects with 5,000 or more square feet of surface area disturbance.

If submitting a Dust Control Plan to South Coast AQMD: 
For projects with less than 10 acres of disturbed surfaces, submit:

1. Form 400-A (Application for Permit to Construct and Permit to Operate)
2. Form OD (Ownership Designee)
3. Form A (Fugitive Dust Control Plan Application)
4. Site location map
5. Form DCP (Fugitive Dust Control Plan)
6. Receipt of payment or check-  please see the Filing and Evaluation Fee section below

For projects with 10 or more acres of disturbed surfaces, submit:

1. Form 400-A (Application for Permit to Construct and Permit to Operate)
2. Form OD (Ownership Designee)
3. Form A (Fugitive Dust Control Plan Application)
4. Site location map
5. Site Specific Fugitive Dust Control Plan
6. Receipt of payment or check- please see the Filing and Evaluation Fee section below

Once approved by South Coast AQMD, the plans are valid for one year from the date of approval.  If a project will extend beyond one year and if all sources of fugitive dust and control measures are the same as in the originally approved plan, the operator can extend the plan for an additional year by submitting:

Filing and Evaluation Fee:
Fugitive Dust Control Plan filing and evaluation fees can be paid via check or online.  Online payment can be made with an e-check (no extra charge) or with a credit card (a 2.25% convenience fee is charged by a third party vendor and is not retained by South Coast AQMD).  The current fee is $414.38 (Non-Title V) or $519.32 (Title V) and is valid for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.  Fees may change on July 1st, 2025.  For more information on Plan Fees, refer to Rule 306 Plan Fees.  

To pay online, please click on the following link and follow the instructions below:  South Coast AQMD Permit Processing Fees Portal

1. Select Option 2.
2. Under Item Description, enter: Rule 403.1 Fugitive Dust Control Plan Fees for (insert name of your project)
3. Enter the amount due
4. Click Add
5. Under Voucher Item Entered, click on the checkbox next to the item to be paid
6. Select Next
7. Select Generate Voucher
8. Enter the information as requested and select either to pay by check or pay online

Projects under an authorized local government agency dust control ordinance: 
If the project is subject to an authorized local government agency dust control ordinance, submit necessary paperwork to the city or County of Riverside.  Once plans are approved, submit 2 copies of the approved dust plan to South Coast AQMD within 10 days of approval.   

A notification must be made to the authorized local government agency or South Coast AQMD for projects 10 acres or more, at least 24 hours prior to initiating earth moving activities by submitting: 

  • Form PI (Project Initiation Form)

A notification must be made within 10 days of establishment of final elevations or at the conclusion of the finished grading inspection for projects 10 acres or more, whichever is first, by submitting:  

  • Form PC (Project Completion Form)


Fugitive Dust Control Plan document submittal. 
Please submit all required South Coast AQMD forms (including receipt of payment, if applicable) to and for review.

If you prefer to mail in a paper check for the fees, send the check and all the documents you emailed to us to:

South Coast AQMD
P.O. Box 4944
Diamond Bar, CA  91765-0944


Rule 403.2 applies to any person who conducts and/or authorizes activities for a large roadway project. The provisions of the rule are supplemental to requirements of Rules 403 and 403.1 and apply only to rule-specified activities for large roadway projects in close proximity to an area of public exposure or sensitive receptors near a large roadway project, as defined in the rule.

Submission of a Large Roadway Project Notification (Form 403.2N) is required at least 5 days prior to commencement of activities:

Submit this form to:

Also required is a public notification and maintenance of daily records:


For any questions related to dust control, dust control notification submittal, or to register for one of our upcoming dust control classes, please call the toll free Dust Hotline at (866) 861-3878

For information on the Dust Control in the South Coast Air Basin (Rule 403) training class or the Dust Control in the Coachella Valley (Rule 403 and 403.1) training class, please click here.  Certifications are valid for 2 years from the date of issuance.

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