
Air Quality Management Plans

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) periodically reviews and establishes health-based national ambient air quality standards (also referred to as NAAQS) for ozone, particulate matter, and other criteria air pollutants guided by the Clean Air Act (CAA). The CAA requires areas designated as nonattainment for these standards to develop Air Quality Management Plans (AQMPs or plans). AQMPs are regional blueprints for achieving air quality standards and healthful air and represent a comprehensive analysis of emissions, meteorology, regional air quality modeling, regional growth projections, and the impact of control measures. Below is a list of plans developed to address various CAA requirements.

Contingency Measure Plan for 1997 Ozone Standard

This Plan, adopted in December 2019, was developed to address "extreme" area requirements for the 1997 8-hour ozone standard related to Clean Air Action section 182(e)(5).

2022 AQMP

This Plan, adopted in December 2022, was developed to address attainment of the 2015 8-hour ozone standard.

2016 AQMP

This Plan, adopted in March 2017, was developed to address attainment of multiple ozone and PM2.5 standards.

AQMP Archive

This page contains information on previous AQMPs.

Other State Implementation Plan (SIP) Revisions

This page contains information on other SIP revisions for various standards.

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South Coast Air Quality Management District

21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765


© 2024 South Coast Air Quality Management District