
Commenting Agency

The South Coast AQMD’s expertise is air quality.  As such, the South Coast AQMD is obliged is to review the air quality analysis in CEQA documents prepared by other public agencies to ensure that the air quality impacts were accurately identified and analyzed, and that mitigation is applied to lessen significant adverse air quality impacts, if any.  The South Coast AQMD’s role as a responsible agency is for projects that require South Coast AQMD air permits even though the CEQA document is prepared by another public agency acting as lead agency.  The South Coast AQMD’s role as a commenting agency is for those projects with potential air quality impacts but no South Coast AQMD air permits are required. In both roles, South Coast AQMD staff will review the CEQA document and may prepare comments relative to the air quality impacts and the adequacy of the analysis, and recommend mitigation measures as appropriate. 

Comment letters prepared by the South Coast AQMD: Comment Letters.

For a complete list of environmental documents prepared by other Lead Agencies: Consult the 'Lead Agency Projects and Environmental Documents Received by South Coast AQMD' report in the most recent South Coast AQMD Governing Board Agenda.

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South Coast Air Quality Management District

21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765



© 2024 South Coast Air Quality Management District