
CEQA Notices

There are specific noticing requirements under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

The following notices are for projects where the South Coast AQMD is the lead agency.  Signed copies of any South Coast AQMD notices are on file and available by contacting the Public Information Center at (909) 396-2039. 

  • Notices of CompletionA Notice of Completion (NOC) is a brief notice released by the lead agency as soon as it has completed a draft CEQA document for public review and comment.

  • Notices of Decision or Determination – A Notice of Decision or Determination (NOD) is a brief notice to be filed by a public agency after it approves or determines to carry out a project which is subject to the requirements of CEQA.

  • Notices of Exemption - When a public agency determines that a project is exempt from CEQA, a Notice of Exemption (NOE) is prepared and may be filed by a public agency after it has decided to carry out or approve a project.

  • Notices of IntentA Notice of Intent (NOI) to Adopt a Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration is a brief notice released by the lead agency as soon as it has completed a Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration document for public review and comment.

  • Notices of Preparation - A Notice of Preparation (NOP) is a brief notice sent by the lead agency to notify the responsible agencies, trustee agencies, and involved federal agencies that the lead agency plans to prepare an Environmental Impact Review (EIR), or Environmental Assessment (EA) with significant impacts for the project.  The purpose of the notice is to solicit guidance from those agencies as to the scope and content of the environmental information to be included in the EIR or EA with significant impacts.

This web page is the means by which the South Coast AQMD electronically posts CEQA notices for public viewing pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15062(c)(3), 15075(f), 15085(e) and 15094(f). 

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21865 Copley Dr, Diamond Bar, CA 91765



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