
Environmental Justice Program Enhancements

At the September 2002 Board Meeting, the Governing Board approved 23 Environmental Justice Enhancements. The enhancements were intended to further identify and address concerns and serve as the basis for further outreach and problem-solving activities regarding short- and long-term environmental justice issues.

At the September 2002 Board Meeting, the Governing Board approved 23 Environmental Justice Enhancements. The enhancements were intended to further identify and address concerns and serve as the basis for further outreach and problem-solving activities regarding short- and long-term environmental justice issues.

For more details on the 2002-2003 Environmental Justice Program Enhancements, view the Board Letter.

Environmental Justice Program Enhancements

CATEGORY I: Further-Reduced Health Risks

I-1.      Re-Adopt Rule 1410 - Hydrogen Fluoride or utilize alternative mechanism requiring the use of modified HFs.

I-2.      Provide leadership in the development of an enhanced Model Air Quality Element to be made available for use in local governments' General Plans.

I-3.      Continue to pursue the concept of “Subregional Analyses” to address and mitigate significant air quality impacts in specific areas.

I-4.      Continue to develop Localized Significance Thresholds for subregions, as another indicator of CEQA  significance.
             Fact Sheet: Localized Significance Thresholds (PDF)

I-5.      Develop a directive mechanism for Creative Penalties to benefit communities affected by local impacts.

I-6.      Pursue the development of low-cost, small devices for outdoor residential monitoring of air contaminants.

CATEGORY II: Greater Community Access & Involvement

II-1.    Pursue a requirement that South Coast AQMD CEQA assessments include a feasible projects alternative with lowest air toxics emissions.

II-2.    Develop guidance and specific training for South Coast AQMD staff in agency protocol regarding public testimony and comment.

II-3.    Conduct EJ Awareness & Guidance Training for South Coast AQMD Management staff and other designated staff and Board members.

II-4.    Improve the transparency of South Coast AQMD’s data holdings regarding AB2588 Risk Assessments for air toxics “hot spots.”

II-5.    Implement the electronic posting of all validated Notices to Comply and Notices of Violation.

II-6.    Conduct a survey to identify the website information needs of interested community-based organizations and other stakeholders

II-7.    Establish community “clean air data depositories” at sites accessible and preferred by community stakeholders.

II-8.    Enhance South Coast AQMD’s public noticing and advertising procedures to include distribution to a broader cross-section of community media outlets.

II-9.    Prepare and make available to residents a convenient, user-friendly public guidance handbook on air quality.

II-10.  Prepare an annual summary of South Coast AQMD’s EJ program efforts and proposed enhancements for the following 12 months.

II-11.  Organize and host an annual air quality conference for physical, social science and political science teachers and school nurses and provide enhanced materials on both regional and local air quality research findings.

II-12.  Make broader use of co-sponsorships in South Coast AQMD’s outreach efforts, including educational events held in partnership with local community-based groups.

II-13. On monthly lead agency projects and documents received by South Coast AQMD, highlight projects where EJ concerns have been raised by elected officials or interested members of the public

II-14. Develop a pilot “Neighborhood Environmental Justice Council” program to harness the power of neighborhood cooperation

II-15.  Make further efforts to translate pertinent public notices into multiple languages, as applicable to the cultural and ethnic populations of neighborhoods and communities.

CATEGORY III: Economic Incentives for Accelerated Mitigation

III-1.   Develop a low-emission and clean-equipment control measure for off-road intermodal equipment.

III-2.   Develop an expedited CEQA analysis process for any major project which contains commitments and milestone schedule for implementation of “Super Mitigation” actions.

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