To reduce air toxic and criteria pollutant emissions, this rule requires public fleets in the South Coast AQMD's jurisdiction operating heavy-duty vehicle fleets to acquire alternative-fuel, dual-fuel, or dedicated gasoline heavy-duty vehicles when procuring or leasing these vehicles for use within the South Coast AQMD's jurisdiction. If the fleet operator obtains an approved Technical Infeasibility Certification for this purchase, a diesel-powered heavy-duty engine or vehicle with an approved control device may be purchased.
This rule applies to:
All government agencies (such as federal, state, regional, county, and city government) with 15 or more heavy-duty vehicles
Any special districts (such as water, air, sanitation, and transit) with 15 or more heavy-duty vehicles
Subsection (f) of this rule exempts certain vehicles, such as emergency vehicles. This rule does not apply to any heavy-duty on-road vehicles subject to Rules 1186.1, 1192, 1193, 1194 or 1195.
If you need assistance in completing this application, Form 1196-1186.1 TICR, please call the Mobile Source Strategies Unit at 909-396-3044. After completing the form, print, sign, and submit the application with required fee to:
South Coast AQMD
TAO - Mobile Source Strategies
21865 Copley Drive - Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4182
Finding a Rule-Compliant Engine
A list of Rule 1196 (PDF, 20kb) compliant engines are provided in tables on the links listed below, by year. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is the agency responsible for certifying new engines for sale in California. CARB certifies engines on an ongoing basis throughout the calendar year. As such, if you are interested in a particular engine and it is not found on the lists in the following tables, you may check the CARB certification page
directly, or call the appropriate CARB contacts listed on that page. You can also call the South Coast AQMD Fleet Rule Implementation Hotline at 909-396-3044 or e-mail to determine if the engine of interest is certified. At this time, diesel powered engines or vehicles do not meet the requirements of Rule 1196.
Alternative Fuel Vehicles:
Incentive Funding Programs
Other Links for Finding Fueling Stations
For more information on the fleet rules, call the Fleet Rule Implementation Hotline at 909-396-3044 or e-mail